Thursday 2 October 2014

17/7/1959 My poor unlovely self...

As it's National Poetry Day today, I thought I'd add a poem that I overlooked posting a few months ago - from 17th July 1959. As was clear from other poems Mr Nash wrote to Marianne around this time, her visits to his bookshop were now less frequent, her being overwhelmed by his attention in the form of adoring verses. He writes to state his case, to justify his actions, to stand firm in his feelings, but promising to cease in respect of her apparent wishes. 

A pencil-written note on the poem refers to him wanting to publish this particular poem, but knowing Marianne would object. And then lightheartedly stating that he's changed his mind about his promise to stand down with his attention, as he is unable...

Since I have lost the battle for your time,
For you no longer wish to speak to me
Alone, I will not stage a pantomime;
Let me depart and seek fresh company.
I have not wished to tyrannize, or force
My poor unlovely self upon your view,
But equally, I can have no remorse
For things I've said and versified for you.
Or do you think me just a little mad?
I must admit I am was with beauty crazed;
My words were not extravagantly clad
For I have seen quite clearly all I've praised.
I will not then molest you any more,
But live on memories of things I saw.
17th July, 1959
I like this very much but know you will not let me use it - and I have changed my mind! I will always molest you - I cannot do otherwise

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